A Double Lock
Latest Release
Quick release turntable standard dolly Fixed ballrace 5 axle dog trailer dolly / 40’ skel Short draw bar / long draw bar / higher payload
- Light suspension option for maximum payload
- Reversing assistance as complete A double combination
- Fully interchangeable with existing dolly
- Low cost / low tare / quick return on investment
- Low profile fold down dolly lock plate
- Interchangeable with any skel trailer brand
- Push button air operated inc warning light when in locked position
- Heavy duty connection between dolly / trailer inc positive locking lugs

Krueger Transport Equipment continues to invest in and expand its manufacturing capacity due to the demand for quality Australian made trailers. Trusted by companies big and small, from national linehaul operators to modest family businesses, Krueger continues to refine and develop its capacity to design and build the most productive, hard wearing and long lasting trailers in the market.
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